Everything about your kid’s oral health
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Oil pulling during pregnancy to keep your baby healthy
Moms-to-be usually have a lot of questions regarding pregnancy and most worries are related to the good health of their baby. Most to-be mothers opt for different lifestyle habits during this phase in their lives, not for themselves but for their child’s well-being....
Top 10 toothpaste for kids: Buyers Guide
Every parent cherishes the memory of their child’s first tooth as it erupts in the baby's mouth. As soon as a child’s first tooth pops out, a big question arises, which toothpaste to use? Will it be safe to use? As we know hygiene is of utmost importance when it comes...
New year dental resolutions for your kids
If you are reading this you must be a parent. The year-end calls in for some new year resolutions and you might have some planned for yourself. But as parents have you thought about making some resolutions for your children? If yes, is the dental health of your child...
Protecting your child from the new omicron variant
The SARS-CoV-2 is a global pandemic caused by coronavirus affecting all sectors of life. It hit the country in March 2020 and since then the whole scenario has changed. While we were just getting out of terror of the last two waves which affected us badly, a new...
How does weaning affect your child’s teeth?
Weaning is the process by which a baby starts relying lesser on breast milk and is introduced slowly to eating family or adult foods. This process of introducing new food varies from culture to culture and is mainly regulated by the child’s individual needs. Babies in...
Myths regarding child dental care
As parents, we understand all that our child needs and wants. We take utmost care of providing our children with the best of everything. Right from taking care of their food needs to their health needs. Dental health is one that most parents fail to prioritize. Like...
Helping your child with their dental problems
Having a child is a big responsibility, and with this comes teaching them the right things. All parents want to teach their children the right way to go about things and teach them all the life lessons that they might have experienced. No one wants their child to go...
Are you going wrong with your child’s dental needs?
Understanding why your child's teeth have gone bad may not be on every parents priority list, but if you want to make your child free from dental problems understanding the reason why tooth cavities happen in the first place is very important. Reasons why your child's...
Dental Fluorosis – Fact vs Fiction
You may have seen while travelling in rural India, little children with white spots on their teeth. In some cases, these are yellow stains, lines or pits on the teeth. You probably wondered- why are their teeth like that? Then forgot about it- and focused on your...
Is your child in the ugly duckling stage?
Does your school going child have a space between their front teeth? Does it look like their upper front teeth are flaring out? Then your child could be in their Ugly duckling stage. What is the ugly duckling stage? Ugly duckling stage is also called Broadbent’s...
Is your child scared of dental treatments?
Making your kids brush is difficult enough, but taking them for dental treatments is another story. Shouting, screaming along with a lot of waterworks are usually expected. But fear not! All your child’s dental appointments do not have to go like this. There are a lot...
How can you get rid of your baby’s thumb sucking habit?
Your baby happily sucked his/her thumb whenever they were fussy, hungry, sleepy or even bored. The same thumb sucking that looked cute on your 4 month old baby doesn’t look so good on your now 4 year old child. Dentists say thumb sucking up to 4-5 years of age is...
Does your baby have a thumb sucking habit?
Does your baby find his/her thumb to be very tasty? Do you often see your baby sucking their thumb while going to sleep or even in their sleep? Have you noticed your baby calm down the minute they start sucking their thumbs? Then your baby has a thumb sucking habit....
Why take care of your baby’s milk teeth?
All parents want their babies to have excellent oral hygiene but do not know how to achieve it. Primary teeth or milk teeth are often considered to be ‘trial’ teeth. Parents don’t pay proper attention to their baby’s milk teeth for various reasons, but the most common...
Teething tot? Help your baby with their teething troubles
Is your baby irritable through the day and crying at night? Is your baby trying to bite things more than usual? Then your baby could be teething. When does a baby start teething? Your baby’s first tooth will start to appear around 4-7 months ,and they will have a...