Have you ever imagined a Fun-Filled – Oral Health Awareness Camp?
Well, our experience at Vastu Housing Finance Corporation Ltd., Bangalore says exactly that.
We had around 100 members participating in this camp. During our onboarding session, we had a lot of participants asking nuanced questions about how Bad Oral health can lead to other lifestyle issues. Some were worried about their mental health, and some worried about the pregnancy they were planning. (Yes, Bad Oral Health can affect all of that).
But the biggest highlight for us was seeing all the members help each other scan their teeth with their mobile cameras.
(Psst, did we tell you? We’ve been able to turn your normal mobile camera to check your teeth as a dentist does!)
The smile on everyone’s face, when we told them how easy it was to prevent anything bad from happening to their teeth, is something that we live for.
And this is the very reason why we have been doing these camps. To have these in-person conversations with all of you, and to help you Protect your Smile.
Thanks for letting us conduct a camp at your premise. We couldn’t have asked for a better audience to end our maiden Bangalore roadshow.